among the Lenten Rose -
in its mauve chalices
a host of potent stamens.
to weed out wild garlic.
It gets everywhere,
this straggle of bulblets.
Make a complete action,
don’t cut it short:
the smallest left pearl
becomes origin.
Between joined hands
lies its renewal;
in the crumble of soil
germ enough to start again.
Dig deeper down
visible to invisible;
microbes mutate,
surpass our human count.
Observe the outcomes,
unfold their lineage –
rich, inscrutable
as the wisdom of birdsong.
Water marks the credo
of a birch’s weeping habit;
shallow roots spread
unseen beyond its drip line.
From next-door’s bonfire
the incense of house clearance:
snuff out that flame,
in ashes new-create your kind.
An attempt to harness the mystery of evolution to Easter's redemptive purpose. I wasn't able to sustain the initial metaphor beyond the first four stanzas - the remainder is the best I could manage by way of finishing the thought.