Conference Believes (two days in Cardiff)

Leant forward into Spring,

bronze Nye argues a point;

his downcast index strong,

once tenable, now echo

of antique rhetoric.


Between squalls, brittle sun

calls daffodils to surface.

And policy is aired,

blown spinning, dancing 

like so much precinct litter.


Going through the motions:

a ritual of shown hands,

iron phrasemongery

and hopeless resolution.

Each voice has its typeface.


In the hyphen of twilight,

a swim and steam room sweat;

certainty dissolves,

and lane discipline holds

hardening arteries at bay.


Solidarity steps out:

from corner to corner

anecdotes shape perspective.

An inverse ratio

of drink and reason.


Public transport man shuns taxis;

through arcades weaves his way

beyond the surly Taff:

from hotel to station,

the choiceless pick their brands.


Instructions to Arachne

Begin with a line
Float it
on the breeze of a single breath
to another surface:
the distance of thought.

From the slack middle,
drop your second
to form a pivotal ‘Y’.
Next, a scaffold of spokes -
anchor each to the frame.

Build a platform at the hub.
Make it firm:
later, as you hang head down -
waiting latent,
your belly will swell with ideas.

In the seam of night and day
trace a spiral outward.
Briefly rest.
Then, edge-to-centre back,
spin your sticky script.

Be nimble across the trap -
use your third claws.
And punctuate weak gaps
with extra thread.
You may eat your guidelines.

Feel tenderly for the struggle:
its vibrations will reach you
along silk-strong strands.
End them with a bite.




the restless hand

which kneads your spine

it may be mine


would untie knots

in the dark curve

of a question mark


and measure each

changing minute

our ratio of pleasure


subtending fear

of dead angles

through sheer friendship


to leave you asleep

a tousled heap

caught in God’s net


Northwards Now #14, 2010