In that dark hour before the morning comes

bright Sirius arises; oversees

our hottest weeks, their breathless hush.


Listen. Hear those gorse pods popping open.

Touch the sticky birch. See willows

weep their seeds as snow and watch the urgent


dragonflies, who know how short time really is.

For day after day after day

a heatwave kneels on the land like a yoke.


The sultry air sinks, gets trapped, bakes the soil

in thirsty lumps. As cracks emerge,

there’s greater spin to play on cricket pitches.


The boundary is long. In blinding light

we are more often stifled now.

Cars turn into ovens. Air-con is king


of false relief. Still, simpler means exist:

paper fans and water pistol.

Orion’s dog howls for unlocked windows.


 vii. 2022