Death came to call last night.
Death came to call last night.
Lesson for Darwin’s altar boy

among the Lenten Rose -
in its mauve chalices
a host of potent stamens.
to weed out wild garlic.
It gets everywhere,
this straggle of bulblets.
Make a complete action,
don’t cut it short:
the smallest left pearl
becomes origin.
Between joined hands
lies its renewal;
in the crumble of soil
germ enough to start again.
Dig deeper down
visible to invisible;
microbes mutate,
surpass our human count.
Observe the outcomes,
unfold their lineage –
rich, inscrutable
as the wisdom of birdsong.
Water marks the credo
of a birch’s weeping habit;
shallow roots spread
unseen beyond its drip line.
From next-door’s bonfire
the incense of house clearance:
snuff out that flame,
in ashes new-create your kind.

Windows ajar, awake to the dark:
a squeal and hiss of braking below.
But I hear the surf’s looped roll
smash mussel shells, pounding
their jagged fragments into sand.
Like spume in the wind, doubt nags my skin,
but does not crystallize.
Instinct, professes Winston, is what matters:
we’re hostage to our genes.
Queasy, I reach for the remote.
Another celebrity channel:
the stink of dead cuttlefish
washed up among plastic bottles,
glass shards and broken chairs.
Night buses jostle a stretch limo.
The mini-bar yawns, and houses tilt
seaward. Here in hotel limbo.
Over a rutted mudstone shelf
flood tide fills extinct footprints,
leaves question marks in pools.
Full English breakfast dawns:
mushrooms grace my plate,
the closed anemones of trodden water.
A cormorant suns its unfurled wings,
cruciform as my upbringing.
v.2003 / ix.2005