Special Relationship

after Miklós Radnóti

"We understand the disturbance this may cause to our local communities"

"We appreciate the patience and understanding as we ensure our airmen remain trained and ready to secure the sovereign skies anytime, day or night"

                                   Brigadier General Joseph L. Campo, 48th Fighter Wing commander, USAF


All that far-off slaughter, screen-seen,

   echoes now, heard roaring overhead.

In Airstrip One, noise warned, we know

   it is not for long, and practice

low and after dark, is required

   to keep the hardware saleable.

Deadly ordnance rides the sky between

   production and ground-razing

delivery of payload: buildings

   pancake, instant moonscape craters.

But BAE make just the tail cones,

   glue them on while chewing gum.

There’s comfort in ‘the sound of freedom’:

   fearless, we gaze at clouds, hear their

shadows pass. No safe zone needed.


ix. 2024

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