Directive to the Cabinet of Doctor de Pfeffel

There shall be no account without denial.

No dead reckoning but three-word waiver,

nor scrutiny by a non-believer.

No washed-up refugee not put to trial.

No profit squeezing while welfare’s frozen.

No donor cronies left disappointed,

nor cut-glass accent not been moulded,

nor mob rule – only the few get chosen.


And should you think this regime cruel and crude

and find yourself in search of reverse gear,

don’t go wondering why everyone colludes –

the future is better when lived in fear.

Wear a hard hat, put on hi-vis grandeur.

Stake your claim: what’s the price of being poor?


 ii. 2022

1 comment:

  1. From a workshop prompt. Was revisiting 'The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari' and fancied that Boris Johnson could look like Werner Krauss in a few years time. He's certainly director of our asylum right now. Decided work within set forms and see where end rhymes could take me - rather a soulless exercise if I'm honest, but good practice.
