My red chalk poised to make its mark,
I pause. Steady this shaking hand.
Full well I know the master’s wish
to entrust an image of himself.
Perhaps his vanity is earned.
This student heart desires to show
there’s depth to read, between the lines
I seek to trace from face to page.
“Why does the mind see such design
more clear in dreams than when awake?”
‘Own the skill’, da Vinci urges,
‘every clean sheet needs a drawing’.
A nose in profile becomes stiff
as movement is the source of life,
shadow the means to disclose form.
Once graceful ringlets now hang lank,
the curl and weight of strands unsprung.
That beard is newly fashionable,
then and now. Under its veneer,
his yearning features are undimmed.
Melzi may fix those rheumy eyes
but cannot match the restless thoughts
behind, from which I’ve learned so much.
Framed by gift of my memento,
they shape the world’s perspective still.
ix. 2019 – iv. and x. 2020