Sunset stripes its cloud hedges, gilds with glares
our ring road. Sky signs, white-on-blue, spin cars
like Bohr’s electrons in opposing shells.

Cross words fly; we fence at barriers, switch
lanes, probe for gaps in the weave of traffic.
From a thrown butt end sparks bounce off tarmac.

Giant numbers, red and flashing, further
fix our speed. In circling one another
will we collide and scatter next time round?

Or pass at safe distance, repelled by waves
of recognition? Wheels within a wheel,
knowing the limits of uncertainty.



It is hard to pinpoint
when I missed my footing
and could no longer walk apart from you.
Perhaps it began with a fern unfurling
from clenched fist into kiss,
asking and answering its own question.

But I fancy our season to be that of hedges,
ripening between start of new school years
and the first bare branches.
Every autumn the litter deepens
and we kick through, sweep clear:
our rustling path reset by what's been learnt.

Held in the circle of your smile, always
I'm catching up, cupping
my ear for echo of our courting song,
or –  like a waterfall –
the resonance of your laughter, tumbling
just a hand's reach away.


What the Peacock replied September 2019


E greu să iau decizii
când mi-am pierdut echilibrul
și nu mai pot să mă îndepărtez de tine.
Poate că a început cu o ferigă care crește
de la pumn încleștat la sărut,
punând întrebări și dând răspunsuri la propriile întrebări.

Dar îmi imaginez că anotimpul nostru este cel al gardurilor vii,
ajunse la maturitate între începutul unui nou an de școală
și primele ramuri rămase fără frunze.
Cu fiecare toamnă sunt tot mai multe rămășițe
și le lovim cu piciorul, îndepărtându-le din cale:
cărarea noastră ce foșnește, reînnoită prin ceea ce am învățat.

Captiv în cercul zâmbetului tău, încerc
mereu să nu rămân în urmă, cu palma făcută pâlnie
la ureche, ca să aud ecoul cântecului nostru de început,
sau - ca o cascadă -
rezonanța hohotului tău de râs, ce se rostogolește
la doar un pas de mine.

Romanian translation courtesy Elena Nestor


Burnt out yet standing still, my lattice dome

of rusting girders becomes mind island.

Pillars and spars and ties and synapses

are wave-riding, wind-whipped vortex: the left

skeleton of bare memory, alive

only with murmuration of starlings.

Seventeen chains from shore

to pavilion's end:

a span first swept by hems

full length, with parasols

and gents in Sunday best.

Columns, screwed to seabed,

cast iron guarantee

of briny promenade.

The rim of seats leaning

backward offers pause to

contemplate; on all sides

scrollwork and curlicue

reflect our frippery.

As years roll by, trippers

flock and the features grow.

Paddle steamers share their

landing stage with anglers,

pierrots frolic, daring

divers plunge, and bandstand

transforms to concert hall.

Then decking widens

making room for dodgems,

ghost train, helter-skelter.

While toddlers peer through gaps

in planks at sea below,

scallywags cadge pennies

to play the slot machines.

A pulse of their footfall

runs up and down the stale

decades of disrepair.

By fire, by storm the motherboard

gets disconnected, remaining

cordless, rooted just beyond reach.

Had I still limb enough to swim

the distance to where you shelter

under arches, I would meet you

on the shingle breathless, unable

to explain quite the attraction.


South 54, October 2016