Brisk suits bundle in through the gates:
late and sweaty, armed
with Mail and Times and reaction.
Above them solemn hands clockwise turn;
while digital seconds drop,
counted click by dull click
into a charity rattle of small coin.
Rebounding home from night,
I join a shuffle of summer sneakers,
and the clack of well-heeled shopping expeditions:
our outward mood more leisured.
Signalling offhand delay
a wait of cigarette smoke curls upward,
suffuses shafts of day.
Over tin rhythms of walkmen,
ritual apologies are misheard:
those tannoyed yawn terminal unsurprise.
Some ring-pull’s fizzy snap shares my platform
with the strain of mobile phone tones;
unknown connections made,
where rails narrow to a distant asymptote.
Why not take a single?
Return as someone else.

Prim ballerinas quickstep,
probe the surf’s margin:
each split-second flicking
white and black, edge to centre,
wing to tail, back and forth.
Every pulse of tide
sifted for sustenance.
Squatting in the backwash,
desultory, I dig
while feet bury themselves.
Through the sieve of my hands
damp demerara spills;
grains of truth trickle down,
lost in the sweep of beach.
A horseshoe carapace
and tail-spine packed
carefully in tissue paper:
eviscerated flotsam
of mass nocturnal mating.
My dried souvenir
saw danger only from above.
Following in the wake of bride and groom,
we sit: unrelated passengers
who watch the dancing guests.
Fiddle and guitar, polka, jig –
a young Pole shyly smiles,
and I am envious of his joy,
yet sad at his watershed, his exile.
Ours is an embrace on thin ice,
and I wonder at your brim of confidence,
the undeserved trust.
Your head presses tight to my chest,
a warm neck resting in the crook of arm:
so love is a secret cache,
glasses a shield of discretion.
Poetry Salzburg Review #9, 2006